Friday, February 25, 2011

the politic of Libya

I read the opinion on the New York Time. It talked about the politic of Libya. I agree with the author that “unless some way is found to stop him, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya will slaughter hundreds or even thousands of his own people in his desperation to hang on to power.” We recognized a big popular revulsion against an autocratic regime, and lauded some countries’ movement for their civilized and restrained demeanor. Why don’t let people of each nation decide for itself?  Although there is much more open talk of direct military, technological, and economic intervention in Libya, there is not an obvious consensus, which they need to overthrow the regime. It’s necessary for Libya. Therefore, “some member may also be turning against the regime”. Obama spoke with France, Britain, and Italy to find ways to stop the killing. The authors are right the best way is economy. American and Europe can block Libya’s access to the international financial system. Next, they ban Europe to sell weapons to Libya. Finally, the US and Europe will deny the visa travel of Libyan leaders.
In my brief, I agree the authors of methods are necessary to stop killing in Libya. If the killing still continue, what should the US and Europe solve? I think Libyan leader should connect with the military to find the best for regime. Let people of Libyan decide for its.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The US and the Egypt are still a friend and partner.

Nowadays, a new that talks about the resignation of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, is the hottest new on television, newspapers. The president of the US, Barak Obama, said that “Egypt’s transition begins” on BBC News.
Egypt’s transition is beginning to democracy, so Mr. Obama warned of “difficult days ahead”. First of all, he called the Egyptian should revise the constitution and prepare for the elections to choose a new president. Although he couldn’t answer many questions, he consoled the Egyptians that “ But I am confident that the people of Egypt can find the answers, and do so peacefully, constructively, and in the spirit of unity that has defined these last few weeks”. Finally, he promised to be willing to help whenever the Egyptians were necessary and requested. Therefore, Mr. Obama affirmed that “the US will continue to be a friend and partner to Egypt.”
I think it’s the worth reading, because Mr.Obama wanted to encourage the people of the Egypt by this article. As we know everything is in confusion at the Egypt, so everybody in there needs to help from the US. Frankly, the US and the Egypt have been friendly for many years. Thus, the US president promised to provided when the Egyptian need. This article is the link between the US and the Egypt. Also it’s mobilization of Mr.Obama for the people at the Egypt.